
What Is Natural Diamond?

Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle through natural geological processes. They consist of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure and are created over billions of years under extreme heat and pressure. These diamonds are mined from the Earth's crust and are highly valued for their rarity, beauty, and enduring worth.

What is Lab Grown Diamond?

A lab-grown diamond, also known as a synthetic diamond or cultured diamond, is a type of diamond that is created in a laboratory rather than being formed naturally in the Earth's crust. Lab-grown diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds, as they are made of the same carbon material.

How To Tell If a Diamond is Natural or Lab Grown?

Identifying the origin of a diamond with the naked eye can be challenging, as both natural and lab-grown diamonds share similar visual characteristics. At Carat Sage, they can be detected using specialized diamond testing machines. Additionally, the certification of a diamond plays a crucial role in determining its origin. Reputable diamond laboratories, such as GIA and IGI, offer certificates that clearly specify whether the diamond is a natural mined or lab-grown diamond, providing valuable information about its source.

1 | Chemical Composition

Natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds share a common chemical composition, consisting of pure carbon atoms arranged in a crystalline lattice structure. This shared composition is what imparts them with their distinctive characteristics and qualities.

2 | Physical Properties

Natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds possess similar physical properties. They both demonstrate exceptional hardness, ranking among the toughest materials in existence. Additionally, they exhibit a high refractive index, causing light to slow down as it passes through the diamond compared to its speed in air. Furthermore, both types of diamonds showcase excellent thermal conductivity.

3 | Optical Properties

Both natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds share the extraordinary characteristics of brilliance, fire, and sparkle. Their ability to reflect and refract light results in mesmerizing visual effects that captivate the beholder. These diamonds exhibit a remarkable play of light, scattering and dispersing it into a spectrum of colours that adds to their allure. Whether it’s the dazzling flashes of light or the captivating sparkle, both natural and lab-grown diamonds possess the inherent beauty that makes them truly enchanting and desirable.

4 | Durability

Both natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds exhibit exceptional durability and remarkable resistance to scratches, rendering them highly suitable for everyday wear. Their inherent hardness, which ranks among the highest on the Mohs scale, ensures that they can withstand the rigors of daily life without losing their lustrous appeal. Whether it’s enduring the hustle and bustle of busy routines or withstanding accidental impacts, both types of diamonds maintain their pristine beauty and remain resilient over time. This exceptional durability makes them not only exquisite adornments but also practical choices for those seeking enduring elegance and long-lasting beauty in their jewellery pieces.

5 | Certification

Both natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds have the option of being certified by reputable and independent gemological laboratories. These certifications serve as valuable documents that offer comprehensive information about the diamond’s quality attributes. They provide a thorough analysis of essential factors such as carat weight, colour grading, clarity characteristics, and the precision of the diamond’s cut. By obtaining these certifications, diamond buyers can make informed decisions based on objective and standardized assessments of the diamond’s quality. Whether it’s a natural diamond formed deep within the Earth or a lab-grown diamond meticulously crafted in a controlled environment, the availability of certified documentation ensures transparency and instils confidence in the diamond’s authenticity and attributes.

Is Clarity for Natural Diamonds and Lab Grown Diamonds the same? No.

Natural diamonds are known to possess a diverse array of inclusions, including minerals, cracks, and other internal features. These inclusions greatly influence the clarity and visual allure of natural diamonds. Moreover, the formation process of natural diamonds, transpiring under tremendous pressure and heat deep within the Earth, yields distinctive growth patterns. These patterns encompass growth lines, twinning planes, and various other characteristics that bestow each natural diamond with a truly unique appearance.

On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds are meticulously cultivated within controlled environments, resulting in a reduced presence of inclusions and the potential for different inclusion types when compared to natural diamonds. Additionally, the growth patterns exhibited by lab-grown diamonds can often be discerned as distinct from those observed in natural diamonds, owing to the controlled setting in which they are formed.

Are Natural Diamonds Rarer Than Lab Grown Diamonds? Yes.

Natural diamonds, sourced from the earth's crust, are inherently limited in availability due to the finite number of diamond deposits found in mining locations. The availability of natural diamonds in the market can also be influenced by political factors that impact mining operations. These factors can affect the accessibility and quantity of diamonds being extracted and subsequently introduced to the market. Furthermore, the rarity of larger-sized natural diamonds is inherently greater compared to smaller-sized diamonds. This rarity extends to the quality of diamonds as well, with higher-quality diamonds being more scarce. These factors contribute to the unique and sought-after nature of natural diamonds, making them prized possessions in the world of fine jewellery.

Lab-grown diamonds, in contrast, are cultivated in laboratories, offering the advantage of unlimited production potential based on market demand. Unlike natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are not constrained by geological occurrences. The process of producing a lab-grown diamond takes only a matter of weeks, as opposed to the billions of years required for natural diamond formation. This accelerated production timeline ensures that lab-grown diamonds can be readily accessible in the market. The controlled environment of lab-grown diamond production allows for efficient and consistent creation, providing a reliable supply of diamonds. This accessibility, coupled with the ability to tailor the production process, makes lab-grown diamonds a versatile and readily available alternative to natural diamonds.

Do Natural Diamonds and Lab Grown Diamonds Share the Same Selling Price? No.

Firstly, the process of mining natural diamonds is complex and costly. It involves exploration, extraction, sorting, and processing, which requires significant investment in equipment, labour, and infrastructure. The limited supply of natural diamonds adds to their rarity and contributes to their higher price. Additionally, the formation of natural diamonds takes billions of years deep within the Earth's crust under immense pressure and heat. This natural process, combined with the unique growth patterns and characteristics of natural diamonds, adds to their desirability and value.

On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled laboratory environments using advanced technology. While the production of lab-grown diamonds still requires energy and resources, it is a more efficient and streamlined process compared to natural diamond mining. As technology advances and economies of scale improve, the cost of producing lab-grown diamonds has decreased over time, making them more affordable. The increasing availability of lab-grown diamonds in the market has also contributed to their price competitiveness. With more companies entering the lab-grown diamond industry and technological advancements driving production efficiencies, the supply of lab-grown diamonds has grown, leading them to more accessible and affordable.

Is the Resell Value for Natural Diamond and Lab-grown Diamond the Same? No.

The resale value of natural diamonds is significantly higher than that of lab-grown diamonds. This price disparity arises primarily due to natural diamonds being rarer and more coveted in the market. Natural diamonds are naturally formed deep within the Earth’s crust over millions of years, and their limited supply contributes to their inherent value. Moreover, they hold sentimental and traditional significance associated with luxury and romance, further enhancing their desirability.

In contrast, lab-grown diamonds, although possessing the same chemical composition as natural diamonds, are created in a laboratory. This enables larger quantities of lab-grown diamonds to be manufactured. The increased availability of lab-grown diamonds affects the resale potential as their abundance can diminish their perceived exclusivity.

Is Creation of Lab Grown Diamond Environmentally Friendlier Than Natural Diamond?

Despite claims suggesting that lab-grown diamonds are more environmentally friendly than natural diamonds, there is currently no scientific evidence to substantiate this assertion. While lab-grown diamonds do have certain environmental advantages, such as reduced mining impact, they do require significant energy inputs which translates to very high carbon footprint. But its carbon emissions can be reduced by utilizing renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to power the production facilities. Likewise, the environmental impact of natural diamond production also depends on various factors such as the mining method, the energy mix of the production facility, and the distance of transportation.

Hence it is important to approach these claims with caution. Environmental impact is a complex and multifaceted issue that involves various factors throughout the entire diamond production process, including the energy sources used, waste management, and the overall carbon footprint. Conducting comprehensive research and analysis is crucial to accurately assess the environmental impact of both natural and lab-grown diamonds.

Not to mention, other than environmental impact, there is also the social aspect of natural diamonds. They have contributed to community development and social infrastructure. Notably, natural diamonds played a pivotal role in the transformation of Botswana from a low-income country to a middle-income country.