
VS1 and VS2 Diamonds I Diamond Ring Malaysia

Author: Carat Sage | 2024-08-05

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When selecting an engagement ring, the clarity of the diamond is often a pivotal factor in decision-making. Clarity is an assessment of the inclusions (internal flaws) and blemishes (surface flaws) within a diamond. In the clarity scale, Very Slightly Included categories, specifically VS1 and VS2, strike a popular balance between beauty and value. These categories are positioned above the Slightly Included (SI) clarity, where inclusions are more noticeable, and ensure that any inclusions are not visible to the naked eye. This makes VS1 and VS2 diamonds excellent choices for stunning engagement rings without the high price tag of the more flawless grades.

In Malaysia, the preference for VS1 and VS2 diamonds reflects a sophisticated understanding of how these clarity grades influence aesthetics and pricing. Situated just below the Very Very Slightly Included (VVS) categories, VS1 and VS2 diamonds offer a more affordable option while still maintaining a high level of clarity that is much appreciated by discerning buyers. This article delves into the nuances of VS1 and VS2 diamonds, explaining their characteristics, comparing their benefits, and offering insights into their popularity in the Malaysian market. Whether you are a first-time buyer or looking to upgrade an existing piece, understanding these clarity grades will help you make a more informed choice and find a diamond that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. We will explore what each clarity grade means, their differences, and how to choose between them based on your specific needs and preferences.


I. Understanding VS1 and VS2 Clarity

A. What Does VS1 Clarity Mean?

1. Definition and Characteristics

VS1 diamonds are categorised as Very Slightly Included, where inclusions are minor and mostly invisible without magnification. This grade is highly sought after for those who prefer a near-perfect appearance in their diamond.

2. Visual Appeal

With inclusions that are barely noticeable even under 10x magnification, VS1 diamonds offer a brilliant aesthetic that is close to flawless diamonds but at a more accessible price point.

3. Market Preference

In Malaysia, VS1 diamonds are particularly popular among buyers looking for luxury within a reasonable budget, as recent market analysis shows a rising trend in their sales.


B. What Does VS2 Clarity Mean?

1. Definition and Characteristics

VS2 diamonds, while still under the Very Slightly Included category, contain slightly more noticeable inclusions than VS1. However, these are still invisible to the naked eye, making them excellent value for money.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

VS2 diamonds typically cost less than VS1 but offer a similar visual appeal, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious buyers who do not want to compromise on the visual quality.

3. Buyer's Choice 

The choice for VS2 diamonds is often driven by their practicality and value, appealing especially to savvy buyers in Malaysia who prioritise both quality and cost.


II. The Role of Clarity in Diamond Valuation 

Clarity is a critical component in evaluating a diamond's worth. While it's essential to consider factors like carat, colour, and cut, clarity plays a significant role in determining the overall beauty and brilliance of a diamond. VS1 and VS2 diamonds, with their minor inclusions, offer an excellent balance of visual appeal and affordability, making them popular choices in the diamond market.

In Malaysia, where consumers are becoming increasingly knowledgeable about diamonds, there is a marked preference for diamonds that provide both aesthetic beauty and long-term value. Statistics indicate that diamonds within the VS clarity range tend to maintain their value better than lower grades, thanks to their appealing appearance and lasting quality. This makes VS1 and VS2 diamonds not only a beautiful choice for jewellery but also a wise investment.

Moreover, understanding the role of clarity in valuation can help buyers make informed decisions. By choosing a diamond with the right clarity, consumers can ensure they are getting a gem that looks flawless to the naked eye but comes without the hefty price tag of the higher clarity grades. This knowledge is particularly useful in markets like Malaysia, where both luxury and value are prized.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the most noticeable difference between VS1 and VS2 diamonds to the untrained eye?

To the untrained eye, both VS1 and VS2 diamonds typically appear flawless. The main differences lie in the size and placement of inclusions, which are only visible under magnification. VS1 diamonds have fewer and smaller inclusions compared to VS2 diamonds.

2. How much can I save by choosing a VS2 diamond over a VS1?

The cost difference between VS1 and VS2 diamonds can vary based on the overall size and quality of the diamond but generally, choosing a VS2 diamond can save you between 10-20% compared to a VS1 diamond of similar weight and colour.

3. Are VS2 diamonds considered a good investment?

Yes, VS2 diamonds are considered a good investment for those looking for a balance between affordability and aesthetic appeal. They retain substantial market value due to their high clarity and are a popular choice among diamond buyers.

4. Can the inclusions in VS1 and VS2 diamonds grow or change over time?

The inclusions in diamonds, including those classified as VS1 and VS2, do not grow or change over time. The internal characteristics of a diamond are stable unless the diamond is subjected to extreme conditions, such as high heat or impact.

5. Should I consider higher clarity diamonds if I am planning to resell the diamond in the future?

If you are considering resale value as a priority, opting for higher clarity diamonds might be advantageous as they tend to retain their value better and are more sought after in the resale market. However, factors like cut, colour, and overall carat weight also significantly influence resale value.



Throughout this discussion on VS1 and VS2 diamonds, we have uncovered the layers of complexity behind these clarity grades. From their definitions to their market preferences and their role in diamond valuation, it's clear that both VS1 and VS2 diamonds offer unique advantages that cater to diverse needs and budgets.

For those in Malaysia looking to purchase an engagement ring or any piece of diamond ring, understanding the nuances between VS1 and VS2 can significantly impact your buying decision. While VS1 diamonds provide that near-flawless look, VS2 diamonds offer remarkable value without compromising on beauty. Ultimately, the choice between VS1 and VS2 should be influenced by personal preferences, budget considerations, and long-term investment potential.

At Carat Sage, we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect diamond that reflects your desires and exceeds your expectations. Whether you prefer the impeccable clarity of a VS1 diamond or the smart value of a VS2, our experts are here to provide guidance and insight into the best choices available. We invite you to explore our exquisite collection and discover the diamond that’s meant for you.