
How to Secretly Get Her Ring Size for a Surprise Proposal

Author: Carat Sage | 2024-08-30

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Planning a surprise proposal is an exciting yet daunting task. One of the trickiest parts is determining her ring size without ruining the surprise. Knowing her correct ring size is essential to ensure that the ring fits perfectly and makes the moment even more special. In this guide, Carat Sage will walk you through effective methods to secretly find out her ring size and provide a handy ring size chart to aid you in this mission.

Why Knowing Her Ring Size is Crucial

Imagine the moment she says "yes," only to realize the ring doesn't fit. It's an awkward scenario you definitely want to avoid. A ring that fits perfectly not only enhances the proposal experience but also shows how thoughtful and meticulous you are. While Carat Sage offers free resizing for the first time, not all jewelers provide this service. Therefore, getting the size right from the start is crucial.

According to a survey by The Knot, nearly 70% of women said that the fit of the engagement ring was a significant factor in their satisfaction. This statistic highlights the importance of getting the size right the first time. An ill-fitting ring can detract from the joy of the moment and lead to unnecessary hassle and expense. Thus, knowing her ring size in advance can make your proposal smooth and unforgettable.

Creative Ways to Discover Her Ring Size

A. Borrow a Ring

  1. Borrow one of her rings
    If she already wears rings, this is a straightforward method. Borrow a ring that she wears on her ring finger when she's not around. Be sure to return it before she notices it's gone. Ideally, choose a ring she wears on her ring finger of the left hand. This will give you the most accurate size.
  2. Trace it on paper
    While you have her ring, place it on a piece of paper and trace the inner circumference with a pencil. This tracing can be compared to a ring size chart later. Make sure you keep the tracing discreet and hidden until you have used it to find the correct size.
  3. Measure with a ring size chart
    Alternatively, use a ring size chart to measure the inner diameter of the ring. This method provides a precise measurement without the need for her direct involvement. Printable ring size charts are available online, and they can be an invaluable tool in your quest.

B. Ask Friends or Family

  1. Get a confidante involved
    Enlist the help of someone close to her, like her best friend or sister. They can subtly find out her ring size without arousing suspicion. Make sure they understand the importance of secrecy and the significance of the surprise proposal.
  2. Check with her friends or family members
    Sometimes, her friends or family might already know her ring size. A casual conversation might reveal the needed information. It's surprising how often this information comes up in discussions about past gifts or future wishes.
  3. Collaborate with her best friend
    Her best friend can take her shopping and casually get her to try on rings, noting the sizes she fits. This method is both discrete and effective. They can even use the guise of looking for a ring for themselves to get her to reveal her size.

C. Shop Together Casually

  1. Go window shopping
    Suggest a fun day out that includes browsing jewelry stores. While looking at rings, observe which sizes she tries on and fits. This can be done under the pretext of buying a gift for someone else, which keeps the surprise intact.
  2. Try on fun jewelry together
    Engage in an activity where you both try on rings for fun. You can make a note of which ones fit her well. This can be framed as a playful activity, exploring different styles and sizes without her realizing your true intentions.
  3. Comment on ring sizes and styles
    Casually comment on ring sizes and styles while shopping. This can lead to her revealing her size without realizing your intent. For example, you can mention how certain rings look too big or too small, prompting her to discuss her own ring size preferences.

Using a Ring Size Chart

A ring size chart is a valuable tool in your quest to find her ring size. You can find printable ring size charts online, which allow you to measure the inner diameter of any ring she already owns. Simply place the ring on the chart and match it to the closest circle. This method ensures you get an accurate measurement without needing her finger directly. Additionally, many jewelers offer free ring sizing tools that you can use discreetly at home.

Using a ring size chart is also beneficial because it gives you a tangible reference that you can take to a jeweler. This way, you can be confident that the ring you choose will fit perfectly when the moment comes. The accuracy of a ring size chart ensures that your proposal will go off without a hitch, adding to the magic of the occasion.


1. How can I find her ring size without her knowing?

Use methods like borrowing a ring, asking friends or family, or casually shopping together to find her ring size discreetly.

2. What if she doesn't wear rings?

Involve her close friends or family to subtly find out her ring size or use a ring size chart if you get hold of one of her rings.

3. Can a jeweler help with finding the ring size?

Yes, jewelers can provide ring size charts and assist in measuring rings discreetly. They have the expertise to guide you through the process without arousing suspicion.

4. How accurate are ring size charts?

Ring size charts are generally accurate, especially when measuring the inner diameter of an existing ring. They are a reliable tool to ensure the ring fits perfectly.

5. Is resizing a ring after the proposal a big issue?

Resizing can be done for most designs, except for a full eternity ring. We offer free resizing for the first time, making sure your rings fit nicely. But ensuring the right fit from the start saves you from potential complications and preserves the ring's integrity.


Discovering her ring size without giving away the surprise is a challenging but achievable task. By using creative methods and enlisting the help of friends or family, you can ensure the ring fits perfectly. Carat Sage provides the tools and expertise to make your proposal moment flawless. Ready to take the next step? Visit Carat Sage for our comprehensive ring size chart and expert advice. Make your surprise proposal a memory she'll cherish forever. Don't leave anything to chance—let Carat Sage help you make the perfect choice.